We make sure our recruitment process is thorough and honest. Be more. Be Jit Team.
We verify your level of English language skills. It is a ten minute phone call – you will be asked to share some information about your professional experience and plans for future development. You have used English for business purposes while working in an international project? Great, we want to hear about it.
At this stage, we arrange a few online meetings. Firstly, you will have a meeting with one of our HR people. You will share stories about your professional experience. We will ask you about your approach to software development and teamwork. Then, you will be assessed by one of our technical interviewers. They will check the level of your technical skills.
At this stage, when you get feedback after the first two parts of the process, you will be proposed a project suited to your skills and expectations. Thus, you will have an official meeting with our client’s representative. The final decision about your participation in the project is made at this stage.
This is the final stage, at which you are given an offer. We gather all the necessary information and feedback on your skills and experience and propose you a project, which would fit your expectations and expertise. At this stage we negotiate your remuneration and type of employment. Welcome to The Team!
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